Many schools in Mpumalanga and Limpopo South Africa struggle daily with poor kitchen conditions and Lunch Moms sacrifice their time and health to prepare daily lunches for students. Our Safer Kitchen Initiative supports our partner schools and their Lunch Moms by improving kitchen structures and installing gas stoves. These gas stoves are safer and cleaner than the open wood fires that schools typically rely on for school lunches.
By improving the conditions of their kitchens we can help Lunch Moms spend more time with their family and less time hauling wood, standing over large fires, and inhaling smoke. With your donation we can improve the working conditions for lunch moms at our partner schools.
Mark your calendars and follow along with us as we prepare for a great day of giving! Each Tuesday leading up to November 29th, we will share stories about our partner schools and our kitchen program. Donations made throughout November will support our Safer Kitchen Initiative!