30 Apr 2015 Village Music – New Fundraising Partner
ASoH is excited to announce a new fundraising partner in South Florida. Village Music in Wellington, owned by Steve and Donna Willey, will be raising funds for Kahlela Primary School in Hluvukani, South Africa. This school serves 334 learners, but only has intermittent access to water and woefully inadequate sanitation – just a few pit toilets are available for all the learners.
A couple of years ago, a 60 meter borehole was drilled by the government, however, it was never finished and never produced water. At the moment, their main water source is supplied by trucks that fill up their Jojo tanks. This does not provide enough water to plant a vegetable garden, despite the fact that there is plenty of space for one. They have a basic kitchen, but a reliable well on the premises will allow for upgrades to this area of the campus.
A new, functioning borehole will vastly improve conditions at the school, as well as allowing them to plant a vegetable garden, and we’d love to see the construction of some Enviro-Loos. We are so grateful for people like Steve and Donna, who feel as passionately about providing opportunities to students in rural South Africa as we do!