30 Nov 2015 Dispatches from South Africa
We are so pleased to welcome Peach Ratshana, our South Africa Liaison. This is just the first of her many upcoming dispatches from South Africa. Not only will she will be sharing her own perspective, but she will be offering a voice to the learners and staff at the schools with which we work and the communities in which they are located. We are excited to add this human element to our blog!
In the last two weeks of being a part of A Spring of Hope, I have become really excited about the work being done. Personally water has never fazed me, it has always lacked importance except when it came to having my eight glasses per day – and that my flush toilet always flushed!
The visit from Gail and Ed – board members and donors – really brought some insight. Education is so important and essential in what we are trying to achieve, as well as the changing factor in all we do.
A crèche like Burlington has potential, but how do we change potential to actual success?
Ownership is a concept that I feel is key. Susan is an amazing woman and someone who will take Burlington to new heights. It is exciting to be part of the process and to be able to look back. As the kids laughed and sang, one could finally understand that this wasn’t a single exchange but one from which generations after would benefit.
Whilst out and about, we got to visit Mapusha Weavers. How these women have taught and perfected weaving for three decades is incredible, and brings awe each and every time to all who visit.
And to complete the day, we visited the wonder woman – Lynette, principal of Beretta Primary. Lynette is the epitome of a leader and Beretta is Eden on Earth. The story of real change and how water significantly benefited not just a school, but a community as a whole, is remarkable.
Exciting times ahead as we engage with our students, on the next blog 🙂 🙂