07 Dec 2016 ASoH Contest Winners
Permaculture Contest Winners
Having recently won the Permaculture competition, the kids from Senianya Primary School finally got to enjoy the fruits of their hard labour. For many of these kids who get the opportunity to come to Thulani, it is the first swimming lesson and game drive, an impression that certainly stays with them.
“I am so happy today. Thank you A Spring of Hope for today, our kids get to see nature and see why it is important, we get to enjoy fresh air and see that hard work pays off.” ~Best, gardener at Senianya Primary
Sanitation Contest Winners
A well-deserved reward for, Salani Primary School, the winners of the A Spring of Hope Sanitation Contest. Throughout the year their dedicated efforts ensured that the students had clean toilet facilities. They encouraged their parents and students to take ownership and created an effective volunteer program.
“For many of the parents and children who volunteer, today was very encouraging- they enjoyed every moment ” ~Beatrice Rhulane, Teacher