12 Mar 2020 Borehole Updates
We are very excited to announce the installation of several plaques thanking our donors for supporting these water projects. All three projects have had successful drillings and boreholes installed! Trygive, our Permaculture Educator, is now very busy with teaching learners, teachers, and community members about gardening techniques and getting their gardens up and running!
Omega’s borehole was sponsored by John and Susan Hirsch and their amazing friends and family. Thank you again for all of your support!

Learners of Morei Primary School are very excited about the borehole and their new garden. This project was also sponsored by John and Susan Hirsch’s “Omega Project”. Thank you for all who donated!

Bunny Khosa High School’s borehole was donated by learners in the U.S who participated in our ‘A Drop In The Bucket’ program! Thank you again!