04 Aug 2015 Permaculture Workshop
A Spring of Hope organized a permaculture workshop on August 1, 2015 and is proud to announce that it was a huge success! Thirty-two people attended from 15 different schools – teachers, principals, managers, gardeners and general workers. Thank you to all who attended!
Trygive, member of the Acornhoek Leadership Forum, shared two wonderful hours of his knowledge on permaculture and moringa trees. He’s an inspiring speaker and his motivating personality kept everyone engaged and interested the entire time. The morning ended with a delicious local lunch prepared by women from Beretta Primary.
Attendees received certificates proclaiming their attendance and knowledge of beginning permaculture methods. There were many smiling faces, lots of singing, dancing, and cheering whilst working in the garden, creating a keen sense of community and kinship among all that participated.
A Spring of Hope looks forward to following up at the various schools and helping with the implementation of the methods shared in the class. Permaculture is an integral part of our program in providing sustainable economic and environmental solutions for our partner schools and the communities in which they are located.