08 Nov 2014 Sigagule Food Station Gets Water!
On October 29, 2014, the final installation on the Sigagule Food Station’s borehole was completed and for the first time, the children supported by the station have access to fresh, clean reliable water. Members of the staff had these kind words to say:
Joanne Roy Young is no stranger to the rural communities of the African Bushveld in South Africa. Her name, and the organization she so passionately runs, is synonymous with positive change.
One of the biggest challenges she has embraced over the past few years is that of access to fresh, clean water for rural schools in Southern Africa.
This month, she and her team from A Spring of Hope once again transformed the lives of young children by donating a borehole to the community of the Sigagule village…specifically, the orphans and vulnerable children of that community who frequent our local food station for their daily meal.
Since we first opened the doors of our new OVC support kitchen on November 4, 2013, we have struggled with access to fresh clean water and relied on the kindness of the local game reserves to transport water in for us to run the kitchen — this being river water. At one stage we even had a family of banded tree frogs breeding in the tank –they had been brought in as eggs. Only in Africa!!!
On October 29th that all changed when the final installation for the borehole was comleted and I was able to flick a switch and have beautiful, fresh, clean water literally cascading out the pipe, from our very own pipeline at the centre. To many of us this is no special occasion, but to us who have struggled and experienced daily challenges to access not only water, but clean water…It was a gift come true. We are forever grateful for this wonderful gift.
Photos courtesy SAME-RSA