25 Aug 2014 South Africa Trip – Fourth Installment
This was an exciting, productive, and informative week for A Spring of Hope.
We drilled at our 25th partner school on Tuesday and located water at 150 meters. The teachers at the Maranatha Creche were thrilled to be able to finally start their permaculture gardens. The little crèche still needs much support but hopefully the addition of gardens and the future selling of surplus vegetables will bring a financial gain to the school. We are of course enthusiastic to see the flourishing gardens next year.
On Thursday evening we hosted the permaculture team from Beretta Primary at Thulani. We enjoyed good food, good conversation and celebrated the success at Maranatha Creche.
Permaculture Class at Beretta Primary
Saturday morning brought us back to Beretta for our first beginner’s permaculture class with Leanette and her team, Moses, Dephney and Eddy. Eight teachers and new gardeners attended from Tsakelani Creche, Mahashe Secondary, Maahlamela High School, White Lion School of Hope and Leoma High School. Everyone showed much enthusiasm and passion for learning the secrets of successful gardens. As always, Leanette brings wisdom and grace to the day. Kelvin and Joanne appreciated the sharing of their gardening knowledge, as did all the guests. It is encouraging to see people with the desire to improve their schools and community. Thank you Beretta permaculture staff and class attendees for a most enlightening and gratifying experience!
Much To Do!
On Monday, Andrew and his stand builder are heading to White Lion School of Hope to construct the tank stand, install the pump, motor and pipes. The next couple of weeks are going to be busy for Andrew with 6 new pump installations.
Kelvin our new gardening apprentice is helping with construction of fencing at 2 schools. Although a beginner with ASoH, he’s much more than an apprentice. Kelvin grew up in Malawi where he says every home had a garden. He will be working along side the Beretta gardening team in the coming weeks learning their permaculture methods. Kelvin is a great addition to the ASoH/South Africa team!
Looking Ahead
Sarah and Joanne have started to visit potential partner schools. Word is getting around that we are drilling and many schools are phoning us for assistance.
Leanette is going to facilitate a meeting with the Chief of her village to discuss possible sites for an ASoH Centre. We are speaking with a local builder to obtain building plans. He builds rammed earth buildings. Rammed earth is non-toxic, non-polluting and ‘breathes’. This creates safer, more people-friendly buildings. We are also seeking to work with Department of Education officials to bring clean water, gardens, and sanitation to the many rural schools so desperately needing assistance.