26 Jul 2014 South Africa Trip – Second Installment
We had a minor setback in the drilling of the wells at our new partner schools when our driller’s rig broke down. While we wait for it to be fixed, we took the opportunity to visit some of our partner schools. As is always the case following our visits, we are humbled by the dedication and hard work of all those involved in educating South African youth in this rural, impoverished area. It is such an honor to partner with so many truly outstanding people in making the world a better place.
Mugidi Primary
Our first stop was Mugidi Primary in Acornhoek. Thembi Ngwenya the principal of Mugidi was there to greet us. We helped with their vegetable garden in 2012 and are happy to report that the gardens are flourishing. Thembi tells us that a pressure pump is needed to bring the water over to the kitchen where the mothers prepare lunch for the 680 learners. Andrew our technical manager will be setting up a time to install the pump for the school. We also got to visit with some learners in the classrooms. We are so proud of Mugidi!
Sehlakabje High School
Our next stop was at Sehlakabje High School. We first visited this school in 2011. We noticed a play pump and decided to investigate. The play pump had not worked in some time and the school was anxious to get water again. We are happy to report that the borehole is working great. The new principal TK Chiloane tells us he would like some help with his garden. We will get him in touch with Lynette from the Beretta School and she will arrange a visit to Sehlakabje. The schools needs a pressure pump to move the water to the gardening area, rain catching equipment and they are in critical need of toilets. The toilets they have are not enough for all the students. We will be following up with TK next week after we have done some research.
Mapusha Weavers and New Dawn Center
It is always a pleasure to go and visit the Mapusha weavers and the children at the New Dawn Center. Joanne and the children had a fun game of Simon says. The borehole is working perfectly and the gardens are beautiful!. It is great to see what can be accomplished by having access to water! The ladies use the water every day for dying the yarn for the rugs. Joanne couldn’t resist and bought two beautiful rugs. Thank you Mapusha Weavers!
Andover Primary School
Our final stop was Andover Primary School. The principal Jonathan Ndlovu greeted us and was happy to show us the school and gardens. Andover has 343 learners. The gardens are incredible! The community has really come together near the school and it shows with their abundant produce. We need to help Andover by installing rain catchers and he needs more Moringa tree plantings. We will be following up with Jonathan next week.