12 Oct 2015 Update: Rand Water Foundation Projects
We are proud to report on the progress of our sanitation projects, made possible with our partnership with the Rand Water Foundation. Two schools have seen construction on new environmentally friendly waterless toilet facilities to replace their old pit latrines. Salani Primary now has 6 new toilets for the girls and 5 for the boys, with a urinal.
We are also working on installing waterless toilets at Nyamande High School. Their old pit toilets are old and unsanitary and few are available for the female learners and staff.
New waterless toilets are a major improvement from the old facilities at these schools. The were more than just a health risk to all the learners. The door-less buildings provided no privacy for the children or staff. This is the kind of development that helps to drastically improve outcomes for all learners, particularly girls. We will continue to monitor the progress at both of these schools to make sure the new toilets are properly maintained. We are so grateful for the partnership with the Rand Water Foundation for making these projects possible. Won’t you join us? So much work is still to be done in making all South Africa’s rural schools into safe, clean, vibrant learning centers and we need your help!