07 Jul 2017 Visiting the Schools
June 23, 2017
Had a great week of site visits with Andrew Ndlovu, our Water Systems Manager and Leanette Sithole, Permaculture Education Manager. Beretta Primary, Brian Kajengo’s Indigenous and Medicinal Plant Nursery, Lehlogonolo Primary, Sehlakbje Secondary, and Ekurhuleni Center for Orphans and Vulnerable Children. So much great work happening. A huge return on our investment. Your support will enable us to do more!
New chicken house at Beretta Primary School
Brian Kanenjo’s Indigenous and Medicinal Plant Nursery. His goal is 1,000 plants of every species!
Brian’s nursery
Leanette mulching with Annie, principal of Lehlogonolo Primary School
Principal Pinkie of Sehlaklabje Secondary with Leanette Sithole
Beautiful garden beds at Sehlakabje Secondary School
Talitha Mthethwa with girls at Ekurhuleni Center For Orphans and Vulnerable Children